vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate

Antioxidáns védelem. Jó alvásminőség. Izomrelaxáció. Hormonális egyensúly. Immunrendszer támogatás. Stresszcsökkentés. Idegrendszer.

4 hatóanyag. 60 vegán kapszula. 7.120 Ft.

With the help of this product you can replace the essential magnesium in the best usable form!

Are you tired and exhausted? Do you suffer from muscle spasms? Do you do sports intensively? Do you sleep badly? Or are you simply aware of the importance of magnesium and looking for the best usable form?

Kifutó csomagolás: 1+1-es akció!

Környezettudatos újításunk jegyében lecseréljük jelenlegi hengeres papírdobozainkat 100%-ban újrahasznosítható doypack tasakokra – pont, mint a többi 8 vSherpa csúcsminőségű termékünknél. Az új csomagolás praktikusabb, könnyebb és mindenek előtt: zöldebb. 🌿 Ez a lépés jelentősen csökkenti ökológiai lábnyomunkat, mivel ezek a tasakok kevesebb nyersanyagot igényelnek (értsd: kevesebb fa kivágása) és alacsonyabb környezeti terhelést jelentenek. Köszönjük, hogy velünk tartasz!

A változtatás jót jelent a Földnek és ajándékot neked! Minden megrendelt termék mellé, a másodikat ajándékba kapod, azaz egyet fizetsz kettőt kapsz. A 2. terméket nem kell kosárba tenned, a rendszer automatikusan megjeleníti majd neked a pénztárnál.

Who do we recommend vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate to?

Who does this product help the most?

  • those with stressful lifestyles
  • intense athletes and heavy physical workers
  • women and men exposed to increased psychological stress
  • for pregnant and nursing mothers
  • dieters, dieters
  • women and men over 50 years of age
  • tired, exhausted and poorly sleeping women and men

For those who suffer from the following, the product provides an excellent solution:

  • fatigue, exhaustion
  • muscle spasms
  • stress
  • poor athletic performance
  • poor quality sleep
  • concentration disorder

The 3 main reasons for which it is worth ordering the dietary supplement product vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate:

1. There is currently no dietary supplement product in Hungary that should contain this combination and quantity of components.

2. Maybe you've been suffering from muscle spasms for years. The product offers a solution for fatigue and reduces fatigue, contributes to normal muscle function, improves muscle regeneration, stimulates the immune system, prevents problems with the cardiovascular system, improves sleep quality, helps with normal energizing metabolic processes and improves athletic performance.

3. With the vitamins in this product, you can prevent deficiencies.


Az összetevőkért kattints ide.

What does it provide a solution for?

A vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate dietary supplement product we have manufactured to be an aid in the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, to eliminate muscle spasms, contribute to normal muscle function, improve muscle regeneration, stimulate the immune system, prevent cardiovascular problems, improve sleep quality, help normal energy-producing metabolic processes and improve athletic performance. The 100% vegan product with its 4 active components is therefore primarily intended as help in a suitable usable form as a magnesium supplement.

The basis of the product is provided by the well-absorbed, excellently useful magnesium-bisglycinate. Magnesium is a particularly important mineral, so supplementation is important for everyone, because stress, sports and certain foods can cause magnesium deficiency, and with an incomplete diet it is not possible to take the necessary amount of magnesium. Inorganic forms of magnesium (oxide, sulfate, carbonate, hydroxide) can barely be used by our bodies, and unfortunately, for many people, even well-absorbed organic forms of magnesium cause discomfort (eg loose stools). Therefore, magnesium-bisglycinate, which is a salt of magnesium with the amino acid glycine, is a particularly good choice. Thus, by choosing magnesium-bisglycinate, we can enjoy not only the beneficial effects of magnesium, but also the positive effects of glycine.

Incidentally, next to magnesium-bisglycinate can be found in the product vitamin B6, vitamin D and zinc as well. It is common knowledge that magnesium and vitamin B6 can complement each other, but fewer people know that in order to have enough vitamin D in the body, it is important to supplement magnesium in the right amount. (Read more about this under the "Science behind the product" menu.) Zinc is a trace element that plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy immune system and since the body cannot store it, its supplementation is constantly necessary.

The product was manufactured in a GMP audited facility under controlled conditions. Free from gluten, lactose, GMOs and titanium dioxide. It contains no preservatives, dyes or additives. Capsule material: hypromellose, which, unlike animal gelatin capsules, is entirely of vegetable origin.

Collapsible content

What are the active ingredients in the dietary supplement vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate?

Magnesium: Magnesium contributes to reducing tiredness and fatigue, and to the corresponding function of the nervous system. In addition, magnesium contributes to normal muscle function, electrolyte balance, as well as normal psychological function and normal teeth, and is involved in the maintenance of normal bones and normal energy-yielding metabolic processes. In addition, it plays a role in cell division and normal protein synthesis.

Magnesium-bisglycinate is a salt of magnesium with the amino acid glycine. Glycine is a natural amino acid found in large quantities in collagen, therefore glycine reduces wrinkles, rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, improves its elasticity. Glycine also increases the effectiveness of insulin, contributes to restful sleep and plays a role in detoxifying the body.

Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is involved in normal cysteine ​​metabolism, normal energy-yielding metabolic processes and normal protein and glycogen metabolism. It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems, normal homocysteine ​​metabolism and the maintenance of normal psychological function. It also helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and healthy muscle function, as well as normal teeth. In addition, vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. In addition, it plays a role in cell division.

Zinc: Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal mental function, as well as the normal condition of hair, nails and skin, in addition to the maintenance of normal vision and the normal functioning of the immune system. In addition, zinc contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Mik a termék összetevői?

Összetevők: Magnézium-biszglicinát, kapszula: Hipromellóz, Cink (cink-citrát), B6-vitamin (piridoxin-hidroklorid), D3-vitamin (kolekalciferol)


How much does the vSherpa Magnesium -bisglycinate supplement cost?

The consumer price of the product: 17.90 dollar / box

vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate food supplement preparation contains 60 vegan capsules per box.

Recommended dose

Recommended dose: 2 capsules per day with plenty of liquid.

OGYÉI notification number

OGYÉI notification number: 29763/2022

OGYÉI: Országos Gyógyszerészeti és Élelmezés-egészségügyi Intézet [The National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition in Hungary]

The product is stored in a dry and cool place to preserve its quality until the expiry date indicated on the packaging.

Recommended daily intake should not be exceeded.

Store out of sight and reach of children.

Dietary supplements should not be used as an alternative to a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Mikor szedjem?

Ajánlott időpont: Ezt az étrend-kiegészítőt legjobb este vagy lefekvés előtt bevenni.

Miért? A magnézium-biszglicinát itt is nyugtató hatású, a B6-vitamin pedig segíthet a magnézium jobb felszívódásában, illetve az idegrendszer és az energia-anyagcsere támogatásában. A cink segíti az immunrendszer megfelelő működését, elősegíti a bőr és a sejtek regenerálódását, valamint a D3-vitaminnal kombinálva az immunrendszer egészségének fenntartását. Esti bevételével a magnézium segíthet az izomlazításban, alvásminőség javításában, míg a cink támogatja a test éjszakai regenerációs folyamatait.


vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate is manufactured in a GMP certified facility in Hungary. GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice. This regulatory framework is applied by many manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry. GMP is a general set of methods to ensure product safety and consistent product quality. The two important components of the regulations are efficient manufacturing and effective control. The GMP requirements apply not only to manufacturing but also to quality control. Production and inspection data must be documented and stored so that they can be retrieved.

Watch how vSherpa products are made!

In the description above, we have noted the effects of the product ingredients that we considered relevant to the reason why the ingredient was included in the product during its development. In addition, it is important to emphasize that claims about the effects of active ingredients are derived from literature and refer to the effects of the active ingredient and not to the effects of the product itself. In order to provide fair information, we would also like to point out that vSherpa Magnesium-bisglycinate is a food supplement - as the name says - and not a medicine. It is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.